Saturday, May 31, 2008

Diversity Training in South Africa

Hi people,
Here is some feedback from one our programs in the wonderful city of Cape Town - I hope that it is of interest to you!



Diversity Training in South Africa: "Building your team

As employers and business owners, we are all faced with the problem of motivating and building our teams. I would like to share our personal journey and experience with you.

As I write this the sound of the vuvuzela and our team’s new found slogan still resound in my ears…
Imphilo Enhle!! Yes, life is indeed beautiful.

The C&S team was transformed over the past weekend. From a diverse team divided down lines of race, language, religion, job title and background we have gone to a team of human beings with a common goal and new values founded in respect.

You may call this a miracle,"....

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