Saturday, June 14, 2008

Conflict Resolution - Effective Conflict Resolution Techniques

Hi all!

Here are some interesting concepts on interpersonal conflict resolution...

Also have a look at our site for a great eBook on Team Conflict Resolution and tons of great additional conflict management information.



Conflict Resolution - Effective Conflict Resolution Techniques: "The Key To Less Relationship Stress? Effective Conflict Resolution Skills!

With most conflicts, it’s important to find a resolution. This seems like a statement of the obvious, but many people suppress their anger or just ‘go along to get along.' They think that by addressing a conflict, they are creating one, and simply keep quiet when upset. Unfortunately, this isn’t a healthy long-term strategy. For one thing, unresolved conflict can lead to resentment and additional unresolved conflict in the relationship. Even more important, ongoing conflict can actually have a negative impact on your health and longevity. (See this piece for more on the detrimental effects of relationship conflict.)

Unfortunately, resolving conflict can be tricky as well.
Handled improperly, attempts at conflict resolution can actually make the conflict worse. For example, ...."

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